Our Supports

We are committed to working with nonprofits of all sizes and at all stages of their development and we operate a number of programmes to support them with leadership, management and governance.

Board Chairs Network

Facilitated by Carmichael the purpose of the Network is to provide a space for board chairs to meet each other, share experiences and discuss topics of mutual interest including key concepts and issues with nonprofit governance.

Carmichael Mentoring Programme

The Carmichael Mentoring Programme supports the needs and concerns of CEO’s, Executive Directors and Managers working in the nonprofit sector by using a panel of highly experienced mentors who will share their knowledge and expertise in a supportive and encouraging manner.

Good Governance Awards

The Good Governance Awards was created to recognise, encourage and celebrate adherence to good governance practice by nonprofits in Ireland.

Governance Dilemma Newsletter

In each edition of the Governance Dilemma newsletter, we will look at a real-life challenge that a Board has faced and consider a range of responses.
If you would like to join the mailing list, sign up here.