Carmichael provides office accommodation and other services for 44 resident nonprofits. Our office space gives nonprofits the opportunity to work in an environment which is shared by other nonprofit organisations, allowing them to interact with others and expand their network. Carmichael provides a sense of community which encourages peer support in a collaborative environment. It is efficient and professional with less maintenance and infrastructure overheads for a nonprofit organisation. If you are interested in joining us, see office accommodation.
The Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development (ACJRD) seeks to promote reform, development and effective operation of the criminal justice system.
ADHD Ireland’s mission is to make life better for people affected by ADHD. ADHD Ireland provides support and advice through our phone line and emails, send out information, produce publications, organise information sessions, run Solution Focussed Brief Therapy courses for young people, run parenting courses, work to raise awareness of the condition and contribute to research.
Alcohol Action Ireland is the national charity for alcohol-related issues. We are an independent voice for advocacy and policy change, working to reduce levels of alcohol harm in Ireland and improve public health, safety and wellbeing.
Life and Living with a Severe Acquired Brain Injury.
A voice for those who’s severe acquired brain injuries (SABI) have seriously challenged their ability to advocate for themselves.
Representing and advocating on behalf of women who received Anti-D Immunoglobulin infected with Hepatitis C.
Brain Tumour Ireland (The Ronnie Fehily Foundation) creates a place where people can come for information, guidance and comfort. A place to learn what to expect and a community to provide support.
CanTeen Ireland is a nationwide support group for young people between the ages of 12 and 25 years who have or have had cancer.
Supporting not-for-profit member organisations and others in their direct work with family carers through the provision of information, developing research and policy, sharing resources and facilitating collaboration.
Striving to create a greater awareness of chronic pain and to provide relevant information and support for those living with the condition, for their families and friends.
Co-operation Ireland is an all-island peace-building organisation. They work to build a shared and cohesive society by addressing legacy issues of the conflict and facilitating contact and collaboration between people from different backgrounds across these islands.
Providing young people in local communities the opportunity to develop in a healthy and safe environment while experiencing a wide range of sporting and cultural activities. Encouraging and fostering community spirit and cooperation.
The Endometriosis Association of Ireland was formed in 1987, to provide information and support for women with endometriosis.
Enclude help to enable non-profit organisations to give better service to more people through the systematic and innovative use of technology.
Providing information and support to women with endometriosis and increasing awareness of the condition and to encourage support and research.
Working to promote fair trading practices between Ireland and developing countries, the Fairtrade Towns project and Fairtrade marked products.
Providing professionals and qualified supports to anyone affected by the sudden death of a child or young person.
Supporting parents and families of children with a Congenital Heart Disorder in Ireland.
Providing consultation, information and individualised support to those diagnosed with Huntington’s Disease (HD), their families and their health care teams.
Our vision is an Ireland where disabled persons have freedom, choice and control over all aspects of their lives and can fully participate in an inclusive society as equals.
A multi-disciplinary all-island membership organisation promoting Palliative Care nationally and internationally.
Offering support and information to expectant parents and families of multiples across Ireland.
Patient to patient support group for people who are living with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Ireland.
The Men’s Development Network is a non-profit organisation headquartered in Waterford City with the key focus on being leaders in promoting change and equality within society. Under the mission statement: “Better Lives for Men; Better Lives for All” the Men’s Development Network works with men on various levels including one-to-one, developmental, parenting, behaviour change group work, training, phone line support and awareness raising. This work is carried out through our funded projects including Men’s Development Programme, Men’s Health Programme, Mend Domestic Violence Intervention Programme, Men’s Advice Line and Men’s Counselling Service.
Working on an all-Ireland basis to enhance the health and well-being of men and boys through research, advocacy, training, networking and demonstration projects.
Mental Health Reform is the leading national coalition on mental health in Ireland. We have over 70 member organisations, representing a broad range of interests, like housing, disability, children’s rights, human rights, ethnic minorities and many others. Mental Health Reform provides a unified voice campaigning to drive progressive reform of mental health services and supports in Ireland.
Providing support, information and resources to women and men who have experienced the loss of a baby through miscarriage.
Enriching the lives of widows and campaigning on their behalf for social justice. With 30 branches across the country activities are varied ranging from outings, social gatherings, holidays, seminars, educational talks and demonstrations.
A national platform run by people with intellectual disabilities this organisation was set up to make sure the voices of people with intellectual disabilities are heard.
Providing a comprehensive range of services including a 24-hour helpline and literature on the condition, genetic counselling and information and letting sufferers and their families know they are not alone.
The national umbrella body representing organisations working with people with neurological conditions and their families.
Offering support, guidance and information on all aspects of being a parent through the provision of information and a completely confidential helpline.
Assisting individuals with Parkinson’s and their families, carers, health professionals and others by offering support, a listening ear and information on any aspect of living with Parkinson’s.
PWSAI was started by parents in the late 1980s as a support group for people with PWS and their families in Ireland. It formalised its status in 2002 when it became a company limited by guarantee. It has retained company status since and in 2012 changed its memorandum and articles of association to allow it to begin formally registering members. PWSAI has no paid staff and relies on volunteers for all its activities.
PSPA Ireland was setup in 2012 and is dedicated to helping people with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD), both degenerative brain diseases with causes unknown and for which there are currently no cures. PSPA Ireland support people who have or are affected by Progressive Supranuclear Palsy or Corticobasal Degeneration. We seek to make a positive difference to the lives of people with these conditions. The voluntary organisation runs support groups, provides information, and advice to families and healthcare professionals by telephone or email.
As the representative body for member Rape Crisis Centres, the RCNI role includes the development and coordination of national projects including expert data collection, supporting Rape Crisis Centres to reach best practice standards, and using expertise to influence national policy and social change.
Working to promote water safety and education in life saving skills including the development of a comprehensive range of vocational qualifications and a series of awards and programmes with the ultimate aim of preventing drowning and stopping unnecessary loss of life.
The Simon Communities support over 18,000 men, women and children each year. We are a network of independent Communities based in Cork, Dublin, Dundalk, Galway, the Midlands, the Mid West, the North West and the South East, responding to local needs and supported by a National Office in the areas of policy, research, communications and best practice.
The Smashing Times International Centre for the Arts and Equality, incorporating Smashing Times Theatre and Film Company and Smashing Times Youth Arts Ensemble, is dedicated to the promotion, study and practice of the arts and equality.
Working to free street children and poor families inside the slums and on the streets bringing life-changing services and supports in Kolkata, India.
Voluntary Service International (VSI) is the Irish branch of Service Civil International, a worldwide peace movement that began in 1920. We work to promote peace, social justice, sustainable development and intercultural understanding through volunteering abroad and in Ireland.
Women for Election inspires, equips and supports women to succeed in Irish Politics.