1 October 2021
Carmichael are delighted to promote the rescheduled Dublin Lunch for the Hope Foundation. Now aking place on March 25 (previously penned in for November 25th) at The Intercontinental Hotel, the Dublin Lunch 2022 will be the first in-person event for the Hope Foundation since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic and will be at full capacity.
A resident Carmichael organisation, the Hope Foundation annually organisation the Dublin Lunch event, which each year proves to be the go-to corporate fundraiser. In fact, it has consistently attracted over 180 guests from some of Ireland’s top organisations.
Now in its 19th iteration, the Dublin Lunch will begin at 12pm at the aforementioned Intercontinental Hotel, with a prosecco reception, followed by a 3 course lunch.
The fun and pleasantries don’t’ stop there however. On the day there will also be a raffle and a live auction. The HOPE Dublin lunch is their flagship event of the year and the intention is two-fold; to raise awareness of their vital advocacy work, and to raise much-needed funds in order to continue to carry out their work.
The Hope Foundation have a vision of “A world where it should never hurt to be a child”, and they believe by attending the Dublin Lunch, you will be going some way toward helping them achieve that crucial goal.
To further extrapolate on what they actually do; HOPE’s programmes directly support the most vulnerable street and slum connected children and communities in Kolkata. All of the proceeds will go directly towards HOPE’s projects.
Tickets for the event are €135 per person (€1,200 for a table of 10) and spaces are limited. For more information or to book a ticket/table please contact Maura on 087 9146837 or via email at: maura@hopefoundation.ie. Alternatively, you can book online via the button here.
The Hope Foundation are a resident Carmichael organisation. You can find out news from this and all their events and charitable work here. Their on social media too, find them by clicking the following links; Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.