Free Webinar: Charities Amendment Act 2024 with Andrea Shupinski

20 February 2025

As part of the National Training Fund (NTF) 2025 Programme, Carmichael is hosting a free NTF webinar on “Charities Amendment Act 2024” with Andrea Shupinski.

This 50 minute webinar will include:

  1. Overview of the key areas of change
  2. No change until Commencement orders have been rolled out
  3. Commencement orders so far
  4. CRA Guidance documents
    • Charities Amendment Act 2024 – An Overview of the key changes for the charity sector
    • Overview of the proposed Charity Financial Accounting Regulations and SORP

Date: 10th April 2025, 1.05pm-1.55pm

Register here.

The funding for the provision of these services comes from the National Training Fund administered by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research Innovation and Science. Participants will be asked to provide further information regarding Age Range, Gender, Employment Status, Educational Background, Role in Organisation, Organisation Activity & Size post registration.

Speaker: Andrea Shupinski

Andrea is a Chartered Accountant by qualification. A sole practitioner, she has been providing consultancy, accountancy and taxation services to the Charity and Not-for Profit sector for over 30 years.

Andrea has extensive financial and senior management experience with charities and not for profits as an advisor and accountant and as Chief Financial Officer. She has helped organisations to prepare for a more regulated and transparent environment and has practical experience of charity accounting principles and putting them into practice. Andrea is a member of the Charity and Not-for Profit Committee at Chartered Accountants Ireland. She and has been a Board member for a number of charities over the years.