Impact Management
The management of social impact remains elusive for many organisations in the charity and non-profit sector. When impact is considered, it is usually thought of as a task of measurement done to prove one’s worth to funders, as opposed to a comprehensive way of approaching all that one does to improve life for one’s beneficiaries. Although the situation is gradually getting better, there are many organisations who remain in need of support.
Previous experience suggests that providing one-off training to groups of people from different organisations is unsatisfactory and does not result in substantive post-course action by those organisations. A customised support package for individual organisations is far preferable.
Carmichael will work with your organisation on a 1-1 basis offering a customised support package during the course of 2025 with a view to helping your organisation improve in this very important area.
Target audience
- Charities, community groups/voluntary organisations/social enterprises registered in the Republic of Ireland.
- Small to medium in size.
- A small group (2-3) of representatives (staff/directors/trustees) with sufficient seniority per organisation.
- Committed to engaging in the capacity building and making organisational changes on foot of it.
When booking online, only enrol one person and pay one €100 fee, we will subsequently be in touch with you for information regarding other participants from your organisation. The option to avail of the NTF Impact Management Support Programme 2025 is available to 4 organisations only.
- Preparation for and delivery of a half-day Zoom meeting to clarify the social/economic/environmental challenge your organisation is seeking to address and the social change process that underpins your work
- Co-drafting and final agreement of a theory of the problem and theory of change via email/phone
- Preparation for and delivery of a half-day Zoom meeting some weeks later to begin undertaking a measurement audit and analyse this with regard to the agreed theory of change
- Co-drafting and final agreement of a new measurement framework via email/phone
- Coaching on outstanding impact-related issues some weeks later via Zoom/email/phone
Via Zoom.
The funding for the provision of these services comes from the National Training Fund administered by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research Innovation and Science. The €100 nominal charge is by way of contribution. All participants will be asked to provide further information regarding Age Range, Gender, Employment Status, Educational Background, Role in Organisation, Organisation Activity & Size post registration.

Sandra Velthuis
Sandra Velthuis has more than 30 years of experience in the not-for-profit sector, as a Director, Trustee, on-the-ground volunteer, staff member and consultant. When she arrived in Ireland in 1997, she worked with Carmichael. She established and managed the organisation now known as Volunteer Ireland for seven years before setting up Whitebarn Consulting in 2005. Since then, she has worked with more than 100 clients, ranging from tiny community-based groups to multinational Non-Governmental Organisations. She has a particular interest in helping organisations to maximise their outcomes, impact and social value. She was the Republic of Ireland’s first Accredited Practitioner of Social Return On Investment and today she is a Social Value International Level 3 Advanced Practitioner. In 2020 she was proud to be named as a Leap Ambassador.
€100 | Nonprofit Organisation |
€100 | Carmichael Resident Organisation |
€100 | Statutory Organisation |
€100 | Corporate Organisation |
The power of having an expert in Theory of Change working independently with us. She was able to ask tough questions and brought a high level of awareness of our work and the sector. It was a fantastic opportunity for all team members to collaborate and the sessions were very well facilitated.
Helpful in demonstrating the impact of our service in an efficient way.
It enabled us to ask to tough questions about our reason for existence and the direction we want to go in for the future.
Explaining complex processes in a simpler message.