News & Events

Target Audience

Trustees, Chairs, CEOs, and those responsible for governance in their Charity.


The Charities Governance Code explains the minimum standards you should meet to effectively manage and control your charity. This workshop will walk you through the requirements of the code including actions and evidence needed to demonstrate compliance.


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

CEOs, senior managers or staff from non-profits/charities who’d like to learn how to improve their Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. Prior experience of using Microsoft PPT is essential.


  1. Slide Theory – what to think about before opening PowerPoint
  2. PowerPoint Fundamentals – time-saving tools to help you create professional slides
  3. Present with Confidence – tools to help you feel in control when you deliver your presentation


Delivered via Microsoft Teams.

Target Audience

Managers and staff working in accounts, perhaps for the first time – anyone responsible for maintaining the accounting records. It will be of most benefit to small charities.


Maintaining a charity’s accounting records, or books is an obligation and a responsibility.  This workshop is intended to equip managers and accounts staff with an understanding of book-keeping and accounting issues that are relevant to their day to day operations so that the accounting records can be kept up to date and provide meaningful information. The workshop will include practical examples and short exercises using Microsoft Excel programme. To ensure the training is as interactive and participatory as possible, we limit the number of participants to 10. Laptops will be provided.

The main areas covered will be:

  • Importance of bookkeeping
  • Relevant documentation and books of account
  • Setting up bookkeeping system relevant to own organisation and SORP
  • Maintaining accounting records and processing transactions
  • Checking everything balances including how to do a bank reconciliation
  • Profit and loss account and balance sheet
  • VAT Compensation Scheme for Charities.


In-person training, in Carmichael Centre, Dublin 7.

Target Audience

For those who want to learn about what is required for your organisation to safeguard adults that you support both within your organisation and your community. By learning about safeguarding and how to develop a safeguarding culture you and your community will be better equipped to support adults who may be at risk of abuse.


  • Find out about Safeguarding and your obligations to it.
  • Learn about the 6 Principles of Safeguarding.
  • Discover how to identify adults in your organisation or community who may be at risk.
  • Learn about recognising the signs of abuse.
  • Learn how to Report Concerns and Respond to Allegations.
  • Introduction to the newly launched “Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act 2015”.
  • How to develop a Safeguarding Culture.

This course aims to enable to learner to understand:

  • The principles of safeguarding.
  • The indicators of abuse.
  • The roles, responsibilities, and actions a person should take in safeguarding adults at risk of abuse.
  • Learn about newly introduced Legislation.


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

Company Secretaries or anyone thinking of becoming a Company Secretary.


Learn about the practical and legal responsibilities and liabilities of the Company Secretary of a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG).

Topics covered during this workshop include:

  • The Companies Act 2014 – implications for new and existing CLG
  • The governing instrument – company constitution
  • Legal duties of a Company Secretary
  • Administrative duties assigned by the Board to a Company Secretary
  • Appointing a Company Secretary
  • Administrative obligations of a company to the CRO
  • Compiling documentation for board meetings and AGM
  • Role of Company Secretary as a trusted Board advisor


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

Chairpersons of non-profit organisations or anyone thinking of becoming a Chairperson.


The online workshop will examine the role and responsibilities of the Chairperson of a non-profit organisation.

Topics covered during this workshop include:

• The role of the Chairperson in relation to the governance and leadership of the organisation
• Boundaries and critical relationships
• Developing a culture of transparency, accountability and integrity
• Managing board meetings effectively
• Ensuring suitable board renewal takes place
• Policy to practice – key areas for Chairs
• Board effectiveness


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

Those appointed to the role of Designated Liaison Person (DLP) within their organisation.


This online training session aims to provide an understanding of the role and responsibilities of a Designated Liaison Person (DLP) and the organisational responsibilities in relation to child safeguarding and protection.


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

This session is designed for those who are new to writing grant applications, or those who would like feedback on applications they are currently completing.


How do we make successful grant applications? This workshop provides an opportunity to identify the challenges, the most common mistakes applicants make and also what errors causes application disqualifications. Participants should come away with a better understanding of appropriate language & wording to help better make the case for their grant application.


This session will be in Carmichael Centre, Dublin 7.

Target Audience

Anyone involved in preparing and approving budgets and managing an organisation’s resources.


Participants should be comfortable with Microsoft Excel basics. Laptops will be provided by Carmichael for the training session.


Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations have a responsibility to manage their money and other resources properly. Budgeting is an essential management tool that helps such organisations manage resources effectively. This workshop is for anyone involved in the process of budgeting and managing an organisation’s resources. The workshop will include practical examples and short exercises using MS Excel. To ensure the training is as interactive and participatory as possible, we limit the number of participants to 10. Laptops will be provided.

The main areas covered will be:

  • What a budget is and the typical content
  • The budgeting process and how it fits into the charity’s annual and strategic planning processes
  • Benefits (and potential downsides) of budgeting
  • Tips for preparing a budget
  • Measuring actual outcomes against budgets
  • Importance of review and update
  • The workshop will encourage participants to relate the principles to their own charity.


In-person training, in Carmichael Centre, Dublin 7.

Target Audience

Anyone needing to better understand the implications of the Companies Act 2014 & Charities Act 2009 for organisations in the not-for-profit sector.


This online workshop explores how the Companies Act 2014 impacts on Charities and Not-for Profit Companies that are Limited by Guarantee, the requirements of the Charities Act 2009, the role of members, the duties and responsibilities of Directors and Other Officers and the preparation of Financial Statements under Companies Act 2014.


Delivered virtually via Zoom.