News & Events

Target Audience

All people working in the non-profit sector.


How do you move from launching your strategic plan to ensuring effective implementation? This workshop will bring a mix of theory, best practice and practical steps on how to implement. You don’t have to have a shiny strategic plan to attend – this workshop will support people interested in how to turn words into positive outcomes.

This workshop will break down the steps to implement your organisation’s strategic plan effectively. Participants will be given best practice examples to illustrate how each implementation step can be approached. Participants can, if they wish, bring their Strategic Plan with them to use for group work.

This workshop introduces essential internal planning and reporting framework that will help align your work and your organisation’s work with its strategic goals. Applicable to all levels in an organisation i.e., anyone who is passionate about maximising their productivity and focusing their work will have something to gain by coming along.


In person, Carmichael Centre, Dublin 7.

Target Audience

Board Members, Chairpersons and CEOs of non-profit organisations.


• Roles and responsibilities – Board, CEO, Chair
• Governance vs. Management
• Division of responsibilities
• Communication between CEO and Chair (Board)
• HR sub-committee (CEO Selection, Review, Remuneration, Succession Planning)
• CEO role in relation to the Board
• CEO performance appraisals – how to conduct appropriately
• Board only sessions
• Code of conduct
• Board evaluation (its value and purpose)
• Board Dilemmas


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

Trustees, Chairs, CEOs, and those responsible for governance in their Charity.


The Charities Governance Code explains the minimum standards you should meet to effectively manage and control your charity. This workshop will walk you through the requirements of the code including actions and evidence needed to demonstrate compliance.


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

Participants should have either completed the Intermediate course and/or be familiar with the following material from experience:

  • Be comfortable with the basic functions of Excel: basic formulas and functions, creating a chart, sorting and filtering, printing and working across worksheets.
  • How to create a vlookup()
  • How to create a pivot table
  • How to create an If() function
  • How to do basic conditional formatting

This knowledge will be assumed and will not be covered in this course.


The course will take place on Zoom over 4 sessions as per details below. Homework will be assigned between sessions. Resources and links will be stored on a platform called GiraffePad. Please note these sessions will be recorded and recordings will be sent to attendees only. Full instructions and links will be given after registration.

Session One (90 minutes) Wed 13th Nov starting at 3.15pm

  • Create more complex if functions.
  • Create macros.

Session Two (90 minutes) Wed 20th Nov starting at 3.15pm

Pivot Tables – beyond the basics:

  • Learn how to use Show Values As to get more out of your data.
  • Combine datasets without using vlookup/index and match.

Session Three (90 minutes) Wed 04th Dec starting at 3.15pm

Automate data cleaning with Power Query:

  • For regular data cleansing tasks – set them up in Power Query – do them once and that’s it. Speed up those tedious data cleansing tasks.

Session Four (90 minutes) Wed 11th Dec starting at 3.15pm

Visualising your data with Dashboards:

  • Present your data in a more user friendly way by summarizing it in an interactive dashboard.


  • Delivered virtually via Zoom.
  • GiraffePad will be the platform used to hold the Zoom links/training materials/recordings.
  • Homework will be assigned between sessions.

Target Audience

Staff Members of charities and not-for-profits.


This interactive workshop will provide the participant with an easy-to-understand background on the GDPR as well as a way to identify data breaches and looking at measures on how to appropriately protect personal data, whether it’s on paper or held electronically.

1. Introduction:

• What is data protection and why is it important?
• What is the GDPR and how does it apply to charities and not-for-profits?
• The key principles of the GDPR.
• The benefits of GDPR compliance.

2. Data subject rights
3. Data breaches:

• What is a data breach?
• How to respond to one.
• Some examples of real-world data breaches.

4. Measures to protect personal data


Delivered virtually via Google Meet. A copy of the slides will be provided as well as a link to download more detailed guidance on data protection.

Target Audience

Company Secretaries or anyone thinking of becoming a Company Secretary.


Learn about the practical and legal responsibilities and liabilities of the Company Secretary of a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG).

Topics covered during this workshop include:

  • The Companies Act 2014 – implications for new and existing CLG
  • The governing instrument – company constitution
  • Legal duties of a Company Secretary
  • Administrative duties assigned by the Board to a Company Secretary
  • Appointing a Company Secretary
  • Administrative obligations of a company to the CRO
  • Compiling documentation for board meetings and AGM
  • Role of Company Secretary as a trusted Board advisor


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

Middle and Senior Managers, Board Members.


A strategy is about how an organisation best positions itself whilst remaining relevant. A good strategy is clear and succinct. It boldly sets out your organisation’s ambitions, sets a clear focus aimed at achieving your mission, and it is embedded in reality.

This Strategic Planning workshop will guide you through core elements of strategy: challenge, cohesion and commitment. It will look at approaches and models in conducting strategic analysis, examining options, building in agility and how to monitor implementation.

Step-by-step, you will learn what a strategic planning process involves, what tools and techniques can help you along the way, what the end result should look like, and how to get everyone on board.


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

Board Members and Trustees.


Board Members have ultimate responsibility for the finances of their organisation and must exercise good financial stewardship. This online workshop aims to give Board Members the skills and knowledge to understand financial information that they are typically provided with on a regular basis, what to ask for, warning signs to watch out for and questions to ask.

The main areas covered will be:

  • Board members financial responsibilities
  • Different types of financial reports
  • Understanding and interpreting financial reports
  • Warning signs.


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

  • Non-Profit Organisations: Executives, Marketing Teams, Social Media Managers
  • Freelancers: Those who work with Non-Profits
  • Students: Studying marketing or Non-Profit management
  • Consultants: Specialising in Non-Profit sector


  1. Introduction (10 minutes)
  2. Module 1: Understanding Social Media Landscape (20 minutes)
    • Popular Platforms: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok
    • Audience Demographics
    • Case Studies: Successful Non-Profit Social Media Campaigns
  3. Module 2: Setting Objectives and KPIs (20 minutes)
  4. Module 3: Content Strategy (30 minutes)
    • Types of Content: Educational, Inspirational, Call-to-Action
    • Content Calendar
    • Tools for Content Creation
  5. Module 4: Audience Engagement (20 minutes)
  6. Module 5: Analytics and Reporting (20 minutes
    • Tools for Analytics
    • Metrics to Track
    • Reporting and Insights
  7. Q&A and Wrap-up (20-30 minutes)


Delivered virtually via Zoom.

Target Audience

This online course is for management, staff and volunteers who are responsible for communications in their non-profit organisation.


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
  2. Part 1: Understanding Public Relations (15 minutes)
    • What is Public Relations?
    • Differences Between Public Relations and Marketing
    • Why Use a Public Relations Agency?
  3. Part 2: Media Landscape Today (15 minutes)
    • Are Newspapers Still Relevant Today?
    • Different Types of Media Outlets
  4. Part 3: Crafting Your PR Strategy (20 minutes)
    • Planning a Public Relations Calendar
    • What Makes a Good Story?
  5. Part 4: Crisis PR Introduction (15 minutes)
    • Introduction to Crisis PR
    • Best Practices in Crisis PR
  6. Interactive Session (20 minutes)
  7. Q&A and Wrap-up (10 minutes)
  8. Closing Remarks (5 minutes)


Delivered virtually via Zoom.