9 October 2023
Charity Trustees’ Week 2023 will run from November 13th to November 17th with 13 events for Trustees.
Carmichael’s events include:
- Impact Management Capacity Building – Tuesday 14th at 10.00-11.30am with The Wheel (Free, online)
- The Good Governance Awards Ceremony – Thursday 17th at 6pm (Free, in person. Tickets release early November)
For the full schedule and booking links see here.
Charity Trustees’ Week is hosted in partnership by the Charities Regulator, Boardmatch Ireland, Carmichael, Charities Institute Ireland, Dóchas, Pobal, The Wheel, and Volunteer Ireland.
As well as celebrating the work of charity trustees, the week’s events will also help to raise awareness among the public and others interested in the sector of the vital contribution of charity trustees to Ireland’s over 11,500 registered charities.
Follow us on social media, using the hashtag: #TrusteesWeekIrl