News & Events

Social Innovation Ireland have announced three new funds.

If your innovative project creates impact through sports, arts and culture, or is focused on early childhood outcomes then Learn more here.

Have you submitted your entry for this year’s Good Governance Awards?

Remember this year there is a new award type for “Best Governance Improvement Initiative”

Final entry deadline 14th September 2018

The Department of Children & Youth Affairs has announcing a €100,000 grant scheme to make services across the country more accessible to LGBTI+ young people.

The funding is the first of a number of announcements as the LGBTI+ National Youth Strategy becomes a reality.

Read more here

Now in its third year, the Good Governance Awards is an initiative that recognises and encourages adherence to good governance practice by nonprofits in Ireland. The 2018 application process is now open and the closing date for entries is 14th September, 2018.

This year there is a new award type for “Best Governance Improvement Initiative”. This new award will recognise initiatives that have been taken in the last 12-18 months to improve the quality of your governance. Entries for this award will need to set out (briefly – max 750 words) the governance issue(s) that were addressed, the actions taken, and the impact that this has had for your organisation.

Read Full Article Here

On behalf of Carmichael, thank you to everyone who attended and took part in our annual fundraiser the 2018 Dublin May Choral Concert. This concert is a flagship event in the choral calendar and takes place annually in the beautiful setting of St Patrick’s Cathedral. This year the theme was Mozart’s Requiem with pieces by Bach, Grieg and Schutz. The event attracted a large crowd from home and abroad and the ongoing support we receive every year allows us to continue the vital work that we do both locally and nationally and through the provision of our shared services facilities.

We would like to extend a special thank you to our performers and soloists to the Young Euroepan Strings Chamber Orchestra and to the ongoing support of the wonderful Goethe-Institut Choir. To our volunteers on the night, those who attended on the night and the staff of St Patricks Cathedral we are deeply grateful for your support.

This event was proudly sponsored in 2018 by Arthur Cox, Bar of Ireland, BHP Insurance, CRH, Eversheds Sutherland, KPMG, Quilter Cheviot, Quinn Downes and Xilinx. We would also like to acknowledge Independent News & Media and Dublin City FM for your promotional support of this event. To all of the above organisations – a sincere thank you.

Read More about the Dublin May Choral Concert