Brain Tumour Ireland will host their annual Family Day at Barretstown on December 6 from 11am-12.30pm. Resident Carmichael organisation Brain Tumour Ireland face another tough winter. With Covid-19 causing a multitude of negative effects on all they do, and the people they help, they hope the day provides some light at the end of a tough year.
Like other non-profits, every facet in day-to-day life for Brain Tumour Ireland has been faced with great difficulty. Their ability to provide their vital services has been stretched. However, they continue to provide information and support for the people affected with brain tumours, their families and friends
On December 6 Brain Tumour Ireland will be able to provide some joy and a sense of togetherness for those struggling with the varied effects of brain tumours, Covid-19 and everything in between.
The organisation states they were founded ‘by a small group of people’, but with actions such as carrying out the Family Day 2020, they show they have a big heart and know how to do the best for the people they care dearly for.
Essentially Christmas themed, the Family Day will consist of games, arts and crafts, Christmas decorations, and even there will be visit from a special elf! Fantastically, all of this will be completely free of charge, and all you need to do is book your place by emailing
Brain Tumour Ireland’s support services are vast, including a range of support groups nationwide, providing financial assistance and much more. You can donate directly to Brain Tumour Ireland here. Finally, you can keep up to date with all their day-to-day news by following their social media; their Facebook here, and their Twitter here.
ADHD Ireland, along with UCD and Stanford Universities, are delighted to announce an online conference on ‘Neurodiversity: A Paradigm Shift in Higher Education and Employment’.
The talks will include world leading speakers and is aimed particularly those in further education or employment, but also those part of the general ADHD community. The conference takes place on 3rd and 4th December, from 9am-7pm.
Day one of the conference will take place on December 3, and will include Prof Simon Baron Cohen, Judy Singer, and Prof Sarah Rankin. The title of the talk is Neurodiversity, and Neurodiversity and Universities. You can register to virtually attend the event here.
Day two of the conference, taking place on December 4, will be titled Learning and Inclusive Environments: Education and the Workplace, Employment and Business. Throughout the talk you will hear from Dr Simon Bury and Prof Susanne Bruyere. You can register for this event by clicking here.
ADHD Ireland are a Carmichael resident organisation, and we are as ever delighted to promote their events throughout our various platforms available. Recently we publicised an expert webinar of theirs, and we hope to promote more events in the future.
You can follow ADHD Ireland on social; their Facebook here, Twitter here, and LinkedIn here. Finally, you can donate directly to their efforts here.
Good Governance Awards 2020 Winners
Carmichael is delighted to announce the 2020 Good Governance Awards winners.
The Awards, now in its fifth year, recognises and encourages compliance and adherence to good governance best practice by nonprofits in Ireland. The Good Governance Awards seek to showcase how good governance and driving social change are effectively interlinked. They also aim to promote awareness of effective governance principles and to encourage improvements in the standards of disclosure. There are two main awards – Annual Report and Governance Improvement Initiative with six entry categories based on annual turnover.
The 2020 winners are:
(1) Annual Report Award
- Serve the City (Ireland)
- Sharing Point
- Children’s Rights Alliance
- BeLonG To Youth Services
- LauraLynn Ireland’s Children’s Hospice
- Concern
(2) Governance Improvement Initiative Award
- NiteLine Dublin
- Proudly Made in Africa
- Canoeing Ireland
- The Jack and Jill Children’s’ Foundation
- Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
The awards are organised by Carmichael in association with its partners: 2into3, Chartered Accountants Ireland, Davy Institutional Consulting, Department of Rural & Community Development, Mason Hayes & Curran, Mazars, The Chartered Governance Institute -ICSA, Boardmatch Ireland, Charities Institute Ireland, Community Foundation Ireland, Dóchas, Enclude, Pobal, Sport Ireland, The Wheel, and Volunteer Ireland.
Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí, CEO of Carmichael said “excellent governance is intrinsic to a successful organisation, its culture and its people. The Awards are a real opportunity for nonprofits to showcase their transparency and accountability, by effectively communicating their performance, governance, culture and financials in their annual reports. We also want to recognise the outstanding work taking place in the sector and help the sector build and sustain trust with the wider public. I would like to congratulate the award winners, those that were shortlisted and also to acknowledge all those organisations that entered this year’s competition for their demonstration of a commitment to enhance the practice of their governance.”
Carmichael is a leading provider of quality services, training and supports to nonprofits nationwide. It is also home to 43 nonprofit resident member organisations, providing them with shared services and targeted supports to help them maximise their potential and the positive difference they make to Irish Society.
For the culmination of Charity Trustees Week (Nov 16-20) there will be an online coffee morning held on Friday Nov 20. Reviewing the week as a whole, it will be an opportunity to discuss and celebrate the achievements of all those who entered the Good Governance Awards.
Initially, Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí, CEO, Carmichael, will look at the aforementioned Good Governance Awards, talking about some of the entrants and what made the winners of the stand out. Meanwhile, Liz Hughes, CEO, Charity Institute Ireland (CII), who was also a judge for the Governance Initiative section, will discuss some of the organisations that made their governance mark in 2020.
Working with the Charity Institute of Ireland is always a pleasure for Carmichael, and we would be delighted of you could join us for this online networking event as Charity Trustees Week draws to a close. All you need to do is register is visit the following link.
Carmichael and The Chartered Governance Institute (ICSA) are co-hosting a free online webinar “The Virtuous Circle of Good Charity Governance” on Wed 18th of Nov at 12pm.
Working with the ICSA, Carmichael are delighted to host the online talk later this month. The webinar will delve into a range of topics charity governance topics, including how to deliver positive change, demonstrating sound management, improve public trust and confidence, welcome accountability and generate sustainable support for your charity.
Good charity governance is at the core of the work at Carmichael, and such a talk with industry experts at the ICSA will greatly increase the knowledge required to run your organisation in a positive and transparent manner.
The speakers for the talk will include Louise Thompson, Jillian Van Turnhout and Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí. To register simply visit this link.
The Irish Region of The Chartered Governance Institute provides ‘thought leadership and international recognised qualifications for everybody working in governance’. For more information on the ICSA you can check out their site here.
Carmichael are set to kick off Charity Trustee Week with a virtual coffee morning on November 16th at 8.30am. Charity Trustee Week will run from from November 16-20 with a host of events taking place across the week.
In light of Charity Trustee Week, Carmichael will host a virtual coffee check-in at 8.30am on the 16th of Nov. Derek O’Reilly and Carmichael CEO Diarmaid Ó Corrbuí will be previewing some of the week’s events and discussing some of the current challenges for Trustees.
Charity Trustees’ Week is hosted in partnership by the Charities Regulator, Boardmatch Ireland, Carmichael, The Wheel, Volunteer Ireland, Charities Institute Ireland, Pobal and Dóchas. Charity trustees can pick and choose from a variety of events listed on the Charity Trustees’ Week website. To find out more about the week, including the aims, check our their page here.
Be sure to use the hashtag #TrusteesWeekIrl when talking about all the great events taking place.
To register click the following link.